Saturday, January 16, 2010

FAQs about being a demonstrator

Is there a minimum I have to maintain in sales?
To remain active as a demonstrator you need to maintain commissionable sales of $600 per quarter (3 months). Even if you sign up as a hobby demonstrator, this could easily be maintained by making occasional sales to your stampin’ friends in addition to your own purchases. Otherwise, you should find that one or two workshops per quarter will keep you actively maintaining your sales quota.

Do I have to do workshops?
Only if you want to! The choice is absolutely yours. If you never want to present a workshop, then you never have to, but if you would like to do workshops, then it’s entirely up to you the kind of workshop schedule you maintain.

How can I earn money?
You earn an immediate 20% on all of your sales and in any given month, you can earn up to an additional 12% depending on your level of sales in that month. If you choose to build a team of your own by sharing the Stampin’ Up! opportunity with others, you can also earn what is called a ‘downline override’ which the company pays to you based on the sales of your recruits 5 levels down.

Do I have to keep products ‘in stock’?
No, you will place orders that are paid for in advance by your customers so you won’t need to keep an inventory.

Do I get any training?
As your upline, I am here to help in any capacity that you require on your stampin’ journey and am always just a phone call or email away. I am not the kind of upline who will pressure you to do any more than you are happy to do, but if you require extra support in any area of your business (or hobby!) then I am more than happy to help in whatever way I can - all you need to do is ask!
Stampin’ Up! also provides a variety of valuable resources, including the demonstrator website, Demonstrator Support agents, the monthly full-colour Impressions magazine, demonstrator events including the yearly convention and regional training seminars, a training DVD, demonstrator manual and product guide, plus a series of ‘Ready-Set-Start’ email newsletters designed especially for demonstrators just starting out.

What are the start up costs?
The cost of the Stampin’ Up! starter kit is $379. The kit contains everything you need to start holding workshops, from a variety of stamps, inks and accessories, to business supplies. Phenomenal value as you receive nearly $695 in product.

What if I decide it’s not for me after I’ve signed up?
Then you simply stop placing orders. There are no penalties or requirements to pay anything back if you decide not to continue at any point after having signed up as a demonstrator. If you don’t meet your sales requirements for any given quarter, after giving you a chance to make it up if you’d like to, Stampin’ Up! will just ‘drop’ you and you go on your merry way!

These are the main questions that seem to pop up when I am asked about the demonstrator opportunity, but if have any further questions that have not been answered here, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Contact me if you'd like to know more or to be sent a free information pack.

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